2013. július 29., hétfő

Immigration's not that plain...

The embedded video is of AUS, but I think generally we could say: most of those (us) whom are speaking so easily about ppl who come, go or pass through borders - we speak without knowing many things. Or, at least not being sure about all the facts. 
 Lately it became more and more natural to just talk and ignore fact we don't like but not acting as we could.

Clarke and Dawe - Immigration

As a frequent train user, traveller I can say without exaggaration that I've been on trains towards home - where the is an Asylum for refugees and now I'm not here claiming the conflicts existing between them each other and their neighbourhood, but -, and I did see some of them, meet and even for a couple words: talked with them. 
 I know about it being a problem. On many sides. But what made me feel ashamed of myself was an early morning scene I had to witness. Made me blood boil. 

In the latest period renovations are running on several lines on the railways, so is my hometown affected, whereas there are segments when passengers do have to switch to buses. That's all right. It is a small bus, but being late night (last) and early (first) trains, the number of ppl travelling just fits. Even if it means that some of those have to stand for a 45 minute drive. some of them are migrants. Some of them, travelling with children. 

On the actual train that family was the only non-hungarian "group", with four youngsters, none of them reaching their 6th year. And standing. 3 am in the morning. Tired, and sleepy. Of course, other were too. Even in the moment when taking seat. When they had to have eyes open wide to choose them, and to see: some have been left without a place to sit. And those were the kids. Harmless, innocent, and free from any ancestors' sins. They were just there. And happened to be from else. 

I was sitting in the last row, and could not believe that not one person offered to get their perfectly righteous butts up the seat, at least to let the kids sleep, instead of the place where they actually created a little corner: on the middle of the bus floor, between rucksacks and feet. 

I am ashamed that I felt guilty as being different wanting to see what happens, and even if it was one seat I could offer, my friend stood up as well and those four little ones just ran so gracefully and fell asleep right the moment on the seats.

None of the persons sitting answered if they've seen the kids sleeping on the floor, none of them looked half-thinking and reconsidering their not-act of helping. It's awful how distant we can be just because we _think_ we have higher rights, are better and worthier than those different from us. From migrants, refugees, foreigners. 

I was just so angry and disappointed for a moment, still am trying to puzzle together complaints of elders whom had left without seat by youngers (but being able to stand perfectly on their healthy feet), service workers (this case: controllers), whom can not raise a responsible word regarding to their territorial area, to keep it's "orders", to say. Young people early in their life's start, responsible and strong in their choices and learning as experiencing - making wrong choice... of not thinking twice.

 An elder man standing next to me said, that he havent even try to _hunt_ for a seat, because it doesn't worth it. But it worth to speak up and to stand up, to _treat as we would want to be treated_ and I don't care about further backgrounds. Not under 6, not if it's about being human, if it's about having a soul, and "using" it. If we do not use our brains...

2013. július 27., szombat

fél százalék

Millió hallgatás és éneklés után, érdekes és szégyenlős vallomás, hogy eddig nem olvastam, a feltöltött leírást, pedig tetszes részlet:

"Börtönre vágyódó őrültek vagyunk, akik maguk csinálják a korlátaikat, hogy kapaszkodhassanak repülés helyett. Büszke őrültek lettünk, akik kéjsóvárságuk győzelmének napján eldobják a szívvel sújtottakat. A srác
_ egészen egyszerűen nem akarja megvárni a reggelt, hanem öröknek akarja a legszebb emlékeket. Úgyis tudja, mi lesz a vége." _

... így "hát, jobb, ha ön is mértékkel marasztal, és hazaküld a hajnali vonattal. ...
Maradjon e pár óra olyan szép, amilyennek látni akarom."

2013. június 26., szerda

Am visat cu Tine.
 Ca ai fost langa mine. (Mereu esti, stiu. Sti.) Te simt. Cum te-am simtit si atunci. Si in vis.
 Nu imi aduc aminte, ce mi-ai zis. Da imi amintesc ca am auzit vocia Ta auriu. Si zambetul aia, eterna si calda.
 Mi-ai spus ceva, ce ma calmat. Pana la suflet ma atins. Ai venit sa ma-nbratisez. Si acuma te simt.
 Mai multe detalii nu-mi vin. Doar Tu. Si ca mai plimbat un pic. Poate fara cuvinte. da in privirea Ta era tot ce ar fi putut sa fie spus mii de propozitii.
 Numa Tu au putut sa-mi povestesti asa de multe visuri. De a impl

Imi aduc aminte de zile senine, si fericire, din cauza Ta, si petrecute cu Tine.
 Mi-e dor de prezinta Ta sufleteasca, egoismul meu doreste sa simt din nou, cum mainile Tale mi-aduc inapoi ieri-ile, si ziau de maine.

Cand ma gandesc la ingeri, Te vad pe Tine. In sunetu arpirilor unui pasere, care zboara alaturi de mine, iti aud zambetu nevazut. Imi cid ochii, si vad, cum se formau cuvintele pe buzele Tale. Mi-aduc aminte, cand secundele se opreau in fata oglinzii, in timp ce ti-ai dat cu ruj, rosu, doamna din suflet, pana la ultima unghie. In palarie.
 "Femeia vietii mele", limba spaniola, smecheria in randurie stiute deja dela timpuri petrecute pe la Tine, si dupa ce am revenit, si stiam povestea de la inceput pana la sfarsit.
 Povestile de seara, si din familie. Stiam tot neamu, doar dupa imtamplarile, la cele Te-ai gindit si ne spuneai cu drag. Floricica, si floarele, petalele frumoase inimii Tale. Mostenirea nepretuit si drag, zmei si zmeura. Culoarea vedre, si verdeturile, care tot adunasem cu Tine. Ratioaicele, Dana si Dianna.
 Lacrimile, care mi se aduna, cand Te vad in siretul dragilor, cu cine ne-ai colorat viata noastra.

Tot, ce mi-ai si ne-ai dat... oare, daca as fi putut si fiu de merita sa primesc tot, ce ai oferit. Daca doar jumate as putea sa-ti dau...
 Ce mica, ce prostuta am fost. Ce departe, ce de mult a fost. Cata distanta a crescut... si cu cat - totus - ai ajuns mai aproape sa fi. Chiar daca nu mai poti...

 Iti multumesc, si doresc sa pot fi iertat de cerul celmai albastru.

Oglinda, oglinjoara, te rog, fi drag, lasa-ma, mai arata-mi fata Ei frumoasa, dupa ce-mi inchid ochii, sa-i vad doar pentru o clipa privirea Ea nemaipomenita. Sa simt puterea Ei eterna, care mereu fugea, da Ea mereu o lua si o tragea inapoi.

Si saruta-l din partea mea, si rasfatal cu vantul drag al varei, al nopti, cu mirosul placut al floarei "Mana maicii Domnului".

Mi-e dor de  Tine, Mama draga, Bunicuta, zina frumoasa, sfletu sufletii noastra; naopte buna.

2013. április 29., hétfő

Minden évben ez időtájt fog el olyan szintű nosztalgia, hogy a szívem vérzik belé a szomorúszép boldogságtól. Talán életemben nem voltam olyan gondtalanul szabad és boldog mint pár évvel ezelőtt ilyenkor ("Edezleri" / "Hidrellez" idején) egy parton, susogás és falevelek csókjai között kívánságot ágakra kötve, mászva, ünnepnek, napnak hódolva. Messze tájakon, messzi emberek-lelkek ismerete lévén színeket ismerve, kapva.

...a széllel kezdek és próbálok én is nagy mozdulatokkal az égbe ugrani, rugózva, térdeket tornáztatva le és fel mozdulva, felhőkbe kapaszkodni, erőt nyerni, tartani és átalakítani, negyvenöt oldalakba fordítani, és témában haladni. És újrakontaktba lépni. 

Nagy a lemaradásom! Tudom, időt kérek, és ahhoz türelmet.


2013. április 7., vasárnap

If I would come late ...would You still accept me? Shelter me, if needed? In Your veins, lungs and nostrils. Beating blood chains.

For that I am grateful of having met You. Anyone You'd been, are or will be. In life, in mine. Thanking You for popping in, for smirking, or spitting, not leaving or wandering along and gone on.

2013. március 24., vasárnap

erős vázlat. // de editat, pt mai tarziu

ha nem lehetek kisangyalod
ördögként ülök hát válladra 
szavakat mormolva
miket így meghall(g)atsz

bár egy idő után már kétlem hogy volna vállad
nem tudni hol vagy, de ha vagy, hogy ki
miért, hogyan.
rejtezel, nem engedsz
ne vessz el
lehetséges a  fejlődés vajon? vagy csak ...elefazssiv?


Ce urat, de mai rau - ca e mai greu: sa deschiz o pagina nou, hai continuati, pe romaneste asa si eu fac:
Nu pot fi ingerasul, incerc atunci
si m-asez ca o gogorita pe umeri tale
soptand cuvintele pe care

asa ii auzi, le asculti

doar dupa un timp, doband ca ai avea umeri
nu se stie - unde ai fi sau cine
cum si dece
te pitesti, sa plec - nu ma lasi 
te rog, nu te pierde

 oare... e posibil (orice fel) de dezvoltare? sau numai ...taiopani?

(Graselele gramatice uneori sunt realizate, ma scuzati, sunetele si randul cuvintelor asa mi-au venit... sau placut.)

2013. március 23., szombat

In cautarea amintirilor, gasirea altelor

Din pacate nu pot - mai corect: nu indraznesc - sa traduc o parte din-tro carte, pe care in ultimele zile am vazut in o vitrina la o librarie (ajutati-ma cu cuvantu "bookshop" pe romaneste, va rog!).
 Fiecare data cand o vad, imi da o senzatie placuta. Nu-l cunosc nici autorul, nici illustratorul, da cumva titlu si desenu e placut asa impreuna.
 Poate Vindecatorii aminitirilor ar fi cam aproape de traducerea titlului. Si imi place foc cum foloseste cuvintele si imaginele si scriitoarea si persoana, care le-a dat formele si imaginea.

 Mi-ar fi drag sa pot share-uesc (ma scuzati pentru "englian"/"romlish", nu ma ajuta limba si gandurile acuma...) parti, care sunt valabile sa de citit, da mi-e teama, ca n-as reusi sa-l "imitez".

Da va sugerez, sa cautati lucrarile illustratorului, pentru ca culéorile sunt internationale! :)
Sub numele Rofusz Kinga gasiti! Hint!

Am reusit sa uplodeeez!